The result indicates that proper selecting the length of redundant bit can maximize system effective throughput. 结果表明,在给定纠错编码算法和重传方式条件下,可以通过对冗余信息位长度的合理选择实现系统有效吞吐率的最大化。
Compressed image data are very sensitive to channel transmission errors because their most redundant information are removed. Sometimes a few errors may destroy the entire image bit streams and thus affect the quality of reconstructed image. 压缩后的图像数据由于去除了大部分的冗余信息,对信道的传输错误非常敏感,有时少数的几个错误都有可能破坏整个图像的信息码流,从而对重建图像的质量造成了影响。
In the one-way relay network, the redundant circuit energy consumption and latency caused by retransmissions are introduced into the energy consumption per bit transmitted model. 在单向中继网络中,提出将电路能耗和传输时延限制同时引入网络每比特传输所需能量建模中。